Tuesday, February 21, 2012

blowing hard

I was already satisfied with the power i was already making, but this was just too tempting.

Picked up the greddy td06-20g and greddy cast iron manifold from josh.

The to do list before this thing is on:

  •  Send the turbo to Majestic turbo in Texas to get the wastegate ported and a bigger flapper welded on
  •  New oil feed lines
  • Enthalpy Reflash(this time it wont be pig rich since im sure scott knows the specs of this turbo alot better and there actually is a compressor map, fck you toyota)
  • Tap the turbo for a wastegate boost source or aqcuire quick tap from frsport
  • Have the boys at the welding shop refab my downpipe
all in due time, no rush.

On another note, Crossroads showdown is creeping up fast. looking to trailor the s14 there and rip some pavement with Vince. Hopefully his whip will be 100% by then. Who says we cant have fun down south haha.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Future Badass

looks like ill be having a future playmate. no homo. do it up my nig. team arkansas lol